Woman doing kettlebell snatch while holding baby

Fitness & Nutrition For Moms Who Want To Be

Stronger Not Smaller

woman hiking with baby

Hi I’m Lacey

a Girls Gone Strong certified pre and postnatal coach, nutrition consultant and former gym owner turned stay at home mom! I have a serious Crossfit addiction and love a good cinnamon roll. I’m here to reject diet culture and to empower and encourage other women to continue moving their bodies during and after pregnancy.

I believe that doing what feels good and focusing on what your body can DO rather than what it LOOKS like is what matters. I want to change the conversation from losing weight postpartum, to recovering, moving pain-free and feeling great in our new bodies. Let’s talk about giving up the guilt, shame, negative self-talk and anxiety around fitness and food so that we can set the best example for our kids! 

Are you ready to throw out the endless pursuit of being smaller and just focus on being healthier? Because I know I am! Let’s do this! 

Recent Blog Posts

  • Kettlebell Core Stability Exercises For New Moms
    Let’s be honest, having a baby is hard on your core. Start to rebuild strength in your muscles with these kettlebell core stability exercises.
  • Exercise While Breastfeeding: Are You Eating Enough?
    Eating enough to support your exercise while breastfeeding is very simple: ditch the postpartum diet mentality and trust your body to tell you what it needs. I know this is easier said than done when we are surrounded with messages to lose weight and get our bodies back. Our bodies didn’t go anywhere and they don’t need to be smaller for the sake of being smaller. They need to be nourished, healed, and made stronger!
  • How to Start Practicing Intuitive Movement
    Practicing intuitive movement shifts the focus away from losing weight or burning calories and toward all of the other benefits of movement, most importantly how it makes you feel. Essentially doing exercise as an act of self care that you truly enjoy rather than a chore that you need to do. 
  • How to Design Your Own Workout Plan as a Busy Mom 
    Learn how to design your own workout plan using supersets for a super efficient workout that will get those feel-good endorphins flowing! 

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