My Story

woman doing deadlifts while pregnant

Hi I’m Lacey

a Girls Gone Strong certified pre and postnatal coach, nutrition consultant and former gym owner turned stay at home mom! I have a serious Crossfit addiction and love a good cinnamon roll. I’m here to reject diet culture and to empower and encourage other women to continue moving their bodies during and after pregnancy. I believe that doing what feels good and focusing on what your body can DO, rather than what it LOOKS like is what matters.

I want to change the conversation from losing weight postpartum, to recovering, moving pain-free and feeling great in our new bodies. Let’s talk about giving up the guilt, shame, negative self-talk and anxiety around fitness and food so that we can set the best example for our kids! 

Am I going to tell you that I am perfect when it comes to this, nope. Am I going to tell you how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, hell no. Can I guarantee that you are going to suddenly be a body positive warrior that radiates self love just by reading this blog, again no way. But I am going to be 100% honest in sharing my story and my knowledge in the hopes that other moms can relate.

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